Church Rebooted

Together We Can

Martin Tibbert  |  23 May 2021

Martin Tibbert concludes our Church Rebooted sermon series with a talk titled "Together We Can."

Church Rebooted Series

Many of us will be familiar with the term "reboot". As we gathered again, post UK lockdowns, we felt God leading us to re-evaluate and re-establish our priorities. This preaching series came out of a call of God that this was not a time to return or re-start as before, but rather to reboot Woodside Church.


We believe that a fresh look at Ephesians 4 (particularly verses 7-16) gives us a framework to un-pack this moment together. These verses are about the body of Christ; the church, being released in all that God has called her to be:

We are called to be:

  • Apostolic (sent) people.
  • Prophetic (Spirit filled) people.
  • Evangelistic (witnessing) people.
  • Pastor/Teaching (Caring and Discipling) people, growing together in unity and maturity.

There are many ways we want to unpack this together. But two major areas that affect us all are our small groups (called Community Groups) and our Sunday mornings. More details on how we can, together, implement this can be found in this preaching series.

We hope you find it helpful and look forward to seeing you soon.

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Charity Number 1186318. Company Number 12279065 | Hosted by Krystal