Woodside Church has been running Community Outreach since the church began. Various activities take place each week aiming to reach out to people in our local area, giving them a safe, welcoming and joy filled place to come and engage in a variety of activities.
Below is a list of all regular community activities.
Monday and Tuesday morning 10am - 11:15am
Play People is a weekly playgroup offering parents and carers the opportunity to come together with their young children in a safe and friendly environment. The group currently runs on Monday and Tuesday mornings in term time. There is a cost of £2 per child and the cost of entrance includes Tea, Coffee, Squash, Biscuits and Fresh Fruit.
For more information contact Lois Moore here or visit our Facebook page.
Wednesday mornings from 10am to 11:45am
Our Connections group is aimed at those over the age of 55 in our community, providing somewhere that people can meet together for, advice and support. Enjoy tea, coffee and refreshments, time to chat with new friends, learning new crafts and activities.
For more information, get in touch with Stuart and Carol O'Dell here.
Every Thursday from 10am
Centre 41 Drop In is a place where people can drop in and spend time with volunteers in a safe, accepting environment. Running at our Building on Dover Crescent each Thursday morning, from 10am, we provide help with budgeting, benefits, and signposting to other appropriate services. We work in partnership with other local organisations / charities by providing a Hub to support those in our local community who are in crisis or in need of advice and guidance. The Hub includes:-
For more information contact David Lowe here.
Every Thursday afternoon
Our Computer and Tablet Support is run at least once a year providing support to those struggling in an increasingly digital world. Digital Poverty is a big issue of our time and we seek to address this by providing training on using both computers and tablets.
For more information contact David Lowe here.
Every Thursday from 2pm
On Thursday afternoons the Woodside Church building on Dover Crescent functions as a distribution centre for Bedford Foodbank, run by the Trussell Trust, a national charity, providing food for those in crisis.
For more information about the Woodside distribution centre contact David Lowe here.
3rd Saturday of the month at our Great Denham location (Great Denham Community Hall) from 2:30pm to 4:30pm
If you love to be creative, or want to explore your creative side - come along to the Craft Cafe and enjoy various craft activities. Entry is free and you can enjoy tea and coffee, too!
Bedford Linking Lives is our befrienders service aimed at isolated and lonely members of our community. Befrienders meet with their clients weekly to break the cycle of loneliness and help to link them with their local community. This service has been funded by a grant from The Harpur Trust and other funders seen to the right.
For more information contact Sharon Atkinson here.
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